Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Day 8: Controlled Chaos

Today marked the day where controlled chaos began. On December 28th is the Mahotsav Karyakram, 10th anniversary celebration of the school. Teachers and kids are hard at work trying to balance both learning and classes along with the long preparations for the celebration. It is a big deal for the community, and while the preparations are going. life continues, just at a faster, no time for break pace. Since it is on campus it means we have a lot to do. 

Sofiya Didi and Ridhi Didi have been hard at work preparing four dances with the girls and are practicing almost every free moment there is in the day and even before and after school. Amit Bhai is helping with the boys skating program and the other talent showcases. Deepak Bhai and Sarju Bhai are working with enterances and the NCC (the national cadet corp). And countless other teachers are helping prepare performances and getting the place ready through arts and crafts and decorations. Some of the kids have some amazing talents with free hand drawing and other skills. All of this lead through the guidance and hardwork of Dr. Padhiyar and unnoticed behind the scenes work done by countless people but especially Kevin Bhai. And everyone is busy cleaning and setting things up from the cleaners, to the teachers, and the kids. It honestly is a team effort with no down time. Today the campus was so alive it was almost overwhelming but it was also beautiful how everyone was doing their own part but coming together as a whole. And free time, activity hour, or reading time was taken over by practice and rehearsal. Short post today, I'm exhausted as well from the dance practices, teaching class, coaching the girls, and all the other little things. But I can't wait for the 28th, not for the celebration but because I can't wait to see these kids perform and these teachers and kids hard work pay off. 

Being here in all this fun, had made me forget even about Christmas until the kids reminded me today. Merry Christmas Eve! 

As for tomorrow being Christmas Day, the school is in for a little surprise, a few of the kids came up with a little something special and I have been helping them rehearse all day. I can't wait! 

- Aekta 

Girls hand-drawing borders for the boards.
They would do them super fast and so pretty!
Boys practicing their talent acts.
Boys practicing their entrance cymbals with Deepak Bhai. 

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